The only time I ever thought about rugby was during college parties when I would look out on Sunday afternoon at Fairfield Beach and the Rugby team would be chanting and being loud and obnoxious when everyone who lived at the beach just wanted to relax and sleep off the weekend.....
Now I am a rugby fanatic, actively involved in watching the 6 Nations (go England) that attends weekly rugby games. I had to fill the American Football void somehow! (Although...story for another day- I had all the 3rd/4th grade girls running options during an activity period this week - hopefully they won't go home to their parents saying they love football...)
My english best friend Beth (sorry fuchs...your getting down to the bottom of the list pretty soon...) who I play lacrosse with is dating a rugby player on the Whitchurch club. I've had the pleasure of attending a few rugby games with her, and for the first time this past weekend, had the pleasure of attending a rugby "afterparty" if you will at the club. (every team has a clubhouse with a bar etc...duh)
I have never seen men more in touch or as comfortable with each other than I have at this party. There was grabbing, gropping, kissing, and the craziest songs and chants I have ever heard. I hid at the back of all of this and observed. Mostly I just mom danced and did not want to go near the drinks being thrown and weird concoctions being passed around (long way from the seagrape). Overall I had a really great time and look forward for the next one!